What a battle this week. We had 4 teams tied for 1st net. Who won with with the first birdie?
Results from week ending 12-7
1st Logan Thompson and Max Woodman 31
2nd Bub Hanscom and Cory Thompson 34
3rd Rusty Blessard and Wayne Campbell 34
4th Brayden Irish and Carson Munson 37
5th Ed Soule and Kyle Oliver 40
Branden/Jackson, Ryan/Scott, Jarrod/Dakota and Peter/Wayne were all tied after the week. We determined the winners by starting at the hardest handicapped hole and work backwards. Dakota/Jarrod won by having a birdie on the 2nd hardest hole with Ryan/Scott had a birdie on the 4th hardest hole. Congratulations to everyone.
1st Jarrod Peters and Dakota Batchelder 36**
2nd Ryan Ward and Scott Gary 36**
3rd Branden Oliver and Jackson Weatherbee 36
4th Peter Towle and Wayne Campbell 36
5th Arthur Osborne and Fred Pete 41
Closest to the pin
Hole #4
1st Rusty Blessard 18' 4"
2nd Carson Munson 22' 6"
Hole # 7
1st Bub Hanscom 6' 6"
2nd Branden Oliver 8' 4"