Indoor Golf men,s league results

Indoor golf results for men's league


1st Brayden Irish & Carson Munson    32

2nd  Wyatt Foster & Dakota Batchelder  33

3rd  John Champeon & Wyatt Foster    34

4th  Jason Clifford & Lance Bernier     34

5th  Rusty Blessard & Branden Oliver   36

6th  Ryan Ward & Rusty Blessard    37

7th  Cory Thompson & Bub Hanscom  38

8th  Mike Vanadestine and Matt Cummings  38


1st  Scott Gary & Ryan Ward     35

2nd Jarrod Peters & Dakota Batchelder   36

3rd  Peter Towle & Rusty Blessard     36

4th  Wayne Campbell & Rusty Blessard   36

5th  Tom Huffstutler & Kyle Oliver      37

6th  Matt Leland & Jeff King      37

7th  Kris Nute & Clayton Boulrisse    40

8th   Fred Pete & Arthur Osborne    40

9th  Jackson Weatherbee & Branden Oliver    40


Hole 11       John Champeon  14' 1"    Rusty Blessard   25' 4"

Hole # 14  Rusty Blessard  16' 2"   Jason Clifford   18' 1"


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