Friday Morning Senior Scramble Par 3 event Results
Friday Morning Senior Scramble Par 3 event
First with 49:
Bill Charron
Mark Lawrence
Dave Lindsay
Glen Trafton
Second with 51:
Rusty Blessard
Gary Haynes
Ed Plourde
Dwight Dawson
Third with 53:
Gary Tourtillotte
Dennis Hatch
Tim Madore
Rocky Melanson
Fourth with 53:
Wayne Campbell
Dale Sereyko
Paul Hendrickson
Fifth with 53:
Colby Clendenning
Tim Vose
Alan McCloud
Jamie Oldenburg
Sixth with 54:
Greg Smith
Bill Gibbons
Francis Soucy
Arthur Osborne
Seventh with 54:
Danny Moors
Fred Furlong
Bobby Plourde
Eighth with 55:
Butch Arthers
Larry Berz
Larry Osborne
Ed Soule
Pin Winners
Hole 1 with 7’7”:
Butch Arthers
Hole 2 with 9’9”:
Dave Lindsey
Hole 4 with 14’41/2”:
Wayne Campbell
Hole 5 with 20’5”:
Ed Soule
Hole 6 with 4’8”:
Rusty Blessard
Hole 7 with 9’11”:
Colby Clendenning
Hole 8 with 11’3”:
Rusty Blessard
Hole 9 with 22’7”:
Greg Smith
Hole 10 with 10’7”:
Tim Madore
Hole 11 with 13’11 1/2”:
Jamie Oldenburg
Hole 12 with 4’11”:
Larry Osborne
Hole 13 with 10’9”:
Bill Charron
Hole 14 with 9’7”:
Bill Charron
Hole 15 with 17’1”:
Ed Soule
Hole 16 with 25’5”:
Larry Osborne
Hole 17 with 11’1”:
Bill Charron
Hole 18 with 26’5”:
Rocky Melanson