Cry Baby
First Gross with 76:
Dave Lindsay
Greg Smith
Carson Munson
Brayden Irish
Second Gross with 79:
Colby Clendenning
John Johnston
Ed Nason
Walter Yorzinski
Third Gross with 87:
Rusty Blessard
Larry Osborne
Ed Soule
Wayne Campbell
Fourth Gross with 89:
Cory Thompson
Bub Hanscom
Ryan Ward
Paul Carter
Fifth Gross with 90:
James Oldenburg
Wendy Oldenburg
Brent Lindquist
Kelly Lindquist
First Net with 73:
Griffin Coburn
Paige Briggs
Wyatt Foster
Randy Gifford
Second Net with 74:
Fred Pete
Arthur Osborne
Dwight Dawson
Scott Priest
Third Net with 74:
Dakota Batchelder
Jaeden Folster
Brady Harding
Hannah Sibley
Fourth Net with 84:
Ken Moody
Ray Thibodeau
Rocky Melanson
Justin Melanson
Fifth Net with 84:
Jim Pierson
Ralph Watts
Jason Potter
Fred Gillis
The Happy Greens Keeper
Net 86
Jordan Knappe
Derek Lacadie
Mike Buzzell
John Leture
Hole Two with 16’8”
Dakota Batchelder
Hole Seven with 8’
Jason Potter